I’ve been working on making videos about LeetCode problems lately, and the last two were both about Sudoku. Honestly, these weren’t the most thrilling topics to cover. The first video was all about checking if a Sudoku board is valid. It involved going through each cell in the grid and checking for duplicates in its row or column. For the 3×3 sub-grids, I set up an array of nine lists, added numbers to the appropriate list, and if a duplicate appeared, the board was deemed invalid.
The second problem was to solve the Sudoku, and I was hoping for something a bit more elegant, but it turned out to be pure brute-force recursion. You have to try each number from 1 to 9, see if it fits, and then move on. If you hit a dead end, you backtrack and try a different number. It wasn’t the most exciting solution to showcase, but it’s the one that works.
On a more creative note, I also started working on the Liar’s Chess game. So far, I’ve set up the Azure Playfab SDK in my editor and created a basic system that randomizes chess pieces on my field while setting up a bunch of mystery pawns on the enemy’s side. It’s still early, but I’m looking forward to seeing where it goes.
Hopefully, the next LeetCode problem will be a bit more engaging!